1946. As a result of the provisions of the Potsdam border between the Polish and German is drawn along the Oder River. The city is divided into two parts. To the south stretches Breslau, north of Wroclaw. Measles is a closely guarded boundary line. At the same time it is decided to transfer the trial of war criminals from Nuremberg to the American sector in Breslau. Divided in half the city prowling ruthless killer, which does not stop even heavily fortified river. Pre-war German police officer sees similarities in the operation of the killer, the actions of another murderer, who tracked down years ago. Files unexplained things hid in a family house on Karłowice district, currently located on the Polish side. In order to complete the investigation decides to illegally cross the border. It begins with an extremely dangerous game.


Spektakl plenerowy !


Reżyseria: Maciej Masztalski

Czas trwania: 60 min.

Scenografia i kostiumy: Dąbrówka Huk

Galeria zdjęć

Teatr Ad Spectatores 2016

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